Learn how you can permanently slim down and get rid of those stubborn fat pockets without having to go through torturous exercises and diets!
The truth is that the calories you consume do not contribute to your weight gain. In fact, it is the insulin that is causing you that nightmare of continuously putting on weight!
This is because insulin is the hormonal signal to the body to increase weight – the Body Set Weight (BSW). If insulin is increased, we increase our BSW.
The good news for you is that cryotherapy helps you to correct this problem!
If are struggling with weight problems, what you have is not a problem but a body that is highly insulin-resistant. It means that your body is unable to break down the sugars and stores them as fats instead.
With Cryotherapy, it addresses this hormonal problem and improves the insulin sensitivity, activating your natural weight-loss mechanisms!
You’ve tried a dozen of things that don’t work. You’ve been disappointed by salons with rebounding results. You’re sick and tired of exercising with no visible weight loss. It’s time to put an end to all those disheartening outcomes and start taking real action on methods that are proven to work effectively!
Whole Body Cryotherapy isn’t painful at all! In fact, it helps with elevating bodily pains.
Before delving into the treatment, a body assessment will be conducted for first time patients where our skilled aestheticians will take your body statistics such as fat mass, metabolic age as well as hormonal levels to customise a tailor-made weight loss programme. Then, step into a full body nitrogen-free cryochamber that exposes your body to extreme cold for 3 minutes. You will be required to expose as much of your skin as possible during the treatment while wearing protective wear for hands and feet.
It is safe to go for Whole Body Cryotherapy sessions as often as up to twice a day. For the best personally tailored advice on your bodily condition and treatment targets, speak to our doctors and experienced aestheticians! We strongly recommend continuous treatment to maximise the effects. Get your free body assessment and consultation now when you sign up online!
There are no adverse side effects of Whole Body Cryotherapy, only good benefits await you! It is FDA-approved and safe for usage, especially in the skilled hands of our practised aestheticians and doctors.
The process of slimming down through Whole Body Cryotherapy is one that happens from altering hormonal level and improving metabolic rates gradually instead of an immediate change. Whole Body Cryotherapy helps to increase the amount of brown fats in the body to destroy stubborn white fat cells and reduce fat percentage.
MON-FRI: 10:30am – 8:30pm
SAT: 10:30am – 6:30pm