Unveil the foolproof way of immediately achieving fair underarms!
Every day thousands of our skin cells die, flake off and are replaced by fresh new cells.
As we age, our skin may become dull and lifeless.
The skin colour may become darker, it may become patchy, and signs of ageing begin to appear.
Are you suffering from mental and physical pain each day? Cryotherapy might just be the answer to all your pain-relieving prayers! Come and reap all the benefits of localised cryotherapy!
There is no reason why you should be living every day and every movement in pain when a cryotherapy offers you absolutely zero downtime and only all the great healing properties that will get you up and going once again!
Underarm Whitening treatments are not painful at all!
A chemical peel that will target your skin concerns will be personally concocted and applied to your face. The peel will work its magic to remove the top layers of damaged and dead skin that has accumulated. The new skin that grows back after the chemical peel is smoother and brighter.
The best interval really depends on how strong your custom blend of peel is as well as the conditions of your underarms. For the best personally tailored advice for your bodily condition, speak to our doctors and experienced aestheticians! Get your free body assessment and consultation now when you sign up online!
There are no adverse side effects of the Underarm Whitening treatments. They are FDA-approved and safe for usage, especially in the skilled hands of our practised aestheticians and doctors.
After the session, you can notice an instant brightening effect on your skin as the peel exfoliates the first layer of dead skin cells. However, the full results of the peel will kick in gradually after the the following few days! The whitening effects will be more enhanced as you return for more sessions.
MON-FRI: 10:30am – 8:30pm
SAT: 10:30am – 6:30pm