Uncover the secret treatment that helps you to instantly elevate your chronic pains!
Did you know that just 15 minutes of localised cryotherapy has benefits the far exceed hours of traditional icing? If you didn’t know that before, now you know!
Get on board with the latest pain healing technology that can instantaneously deliver pain relief to the chronic pain that you’ve been feeling for years which seem to just keep relapsing and worsening, no matter what treatments you go for!
Are you suffering from mental and physical pain each day? Cryotherapy might just be the answer to all your pain-relieving prayers! Come and reap all the benefits of localised cryotherapy!
There is no reason why you should be living every day and every movement in pain when a cryotherapy offers you absolutely zero downtime and only all the great healing properties that will get you up and going once again!
Localised Cryotherapy isn’t painful at all! In fact, it helps with elevating and soothing bodily pains including sprains.
A cryo-probe delivering cooling nitrogen-free -35 degrees Celsius cryo-air will be administered to the treatment areas to treat chronic pains.
Due to the fact that it is a healing treatment is, you can go for Localised Cryotherapy treatments as often as twice a day! For the best personally tailored advice for your bodily condition, speak to our doctors and experienced aestheticians! Get your free body assessment and consultation now when you sign up online!
There are no adverse side effects of Localised Cryotherapy, only good healing benefits await you! It is FDA-approved and safe for usage, especially in the skilled hands of our practised aestheticians and doctors.
You should be able to immediately feel much more relaxed and no pain in your problem areas. In order to maximise and prolong the positive results, continue returning for more sessions.
MON-FRI: 10:30am – 8:30pm
SAT: 10:30am – 6:30pm